The Congress
The Congress is the sovereign body of Legacoop and elects the national bodies, i.e. the National Management Body, the Guarantee Committee and the Board of Auditors.
The Assembly
The members of the National Management Body, the Guarantee Committee and the Auditors participate in the Assembly meetings. The meetings of the Assembly are convened annually by the President of the National Assembly of Delegates in agreement with the President of Legacoop. The Assembly must also be convened if requested by the Presidency of Legacoop or by one fifth of the members of the Assembly itself or by one third of the National Management Body.
Powers of the National Assembly of Delegates:
- evaluate the program of activities prepared by the Management Body and the report of those carried out;
- ratify, at the first possible meeting, the co-optations and dismissals decided by the Management Body;
- carry out co-optations in the Management Body, to an extent not exceeding 5% of the total number of members of the latter;
- convene, with a resolution of at least half plus one of the members, the extraordinary Congress of Legacoop;
- amend the Legacoop Statute with a qualified majority of 2/3 of those present;
- ratify, in the first available session, by simple majority, the statutory amendments.
The National Management Body
The National Management is the body that directs Legacoop’s activities and elects the Presidency of Legacoop, the President, the First Vice President, the other Vice Presidents and the other members of the Presidency. It decides on the main issues of direction and operation of Legacoop, particularly:
- it approves the activity program and verify its implementation
- it convenes the National Congress
- it decides on the distribution of tasks and related powers concerning the exercise of representation and management functions
- it approves Legacoop’s budget and final accounts
The Presidency
The Presidency is the executive body of the association, which is responsible for the exercise and supervision of the fundamental powers that are connected to the exercise of the office, such as:
- the general representation of the association,
- the responsibility for the correct carrying out of the association’s activities,
- the implementation of projects and work plans decided by the National Management,
- the coordination of the activities with territorial and sector structures,
- the power to make proposals to the Management Body regarding the attribution and assignment of delegations of powers, within the members of the Presidency and within the associative structure,
- appointment and dismissal of the Director and the Administrator
The President represents Legacoop and signs its official documents, moreover the President convenes the Management Body, the Presidency and chairs their meetings. In case of absence or impediment, the president is replaced by the First Vice President.
Attached file
- Elenco dei nomi dei membri appartenenti agli Organismi nazionali
- Curriculum vitae del Presidente di Legacoop, Simone Gamberini
- Elenco dei nomi della Presidenza